Filters Module¶
classify_ground_points(arrays, ignore_class='Classification[7:7]', cell=1.0, cut=0.0, returns='last,only', scalar=1.25, slope=0.15, threshold=0.5, window=18.0)
Applies the SMRF filter to classify ground points in the point cloud.
:param arrays: list Cleaned point cloud arrays after outlier removal. :type arrays: list :param ignore_class: str, classification codes to ignore during filtering. :param cell: float, cell size in meters. :param cut: float, cut net size (0 skips net cutting). :param returns: str, return types to include in output ("first", "last", "intermediate", "only"). :param scalar: float, elevation scalar. :param slope: float, slope threshold for ground classification. :param threshold: float, elevation threshold. :param window: float, max window size in meters. :return: list Point cloud arrays with classified ground points. :rtype: list :raises RuntimeError: If there's an error during the pipeline execution. :raises ValueError: If no data is returned after SMRF classification.
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Applies a filter to remove ground points (classification 2) from the input arrays.
:param arrays: List of point cloud arrays to be processed. :type arrays: list :return: Processed point cloud arrays after removing ground points. :rtype: list
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filter_hag(arrays, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None)
Applies a Height Above Ground (HAG) filter to the input arrays.
:param arrays: List of point cloud arrays to be processed. :type arrays: list :param lower_limit: The minimum value for the height filter, defaults to 0. :type lower_limit: int, optional :param upper_limit: The maximum value for the height filter, defaults to None. :type upper_limit: int, optional :return: Processed point cloud arrays after applying the HAG filter. :rtype: list :raises ValueError: If upper_limit is less than lower_limit.
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Applies a filter to select ground points (classification 2) from the input arrays.
:param arrays: List of point cloud arrays to be processed. :type arrays: list :return: Processed point cloud arrays after removing ground points. :rtype: list
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remove_outliers_and_clean(arrays, mean_k=8, multiplier=3.0)
Removes statistical outliers from the point cloud to enhance data quality.
:param arrays: list List of point cloud arrays obtained from read_lidar. :type point_cloud_arrays: list :param mean_k: int, number of nearest neighbors for outlier removal. :param multiplier: float, standard deviation multiplier for outlier removal. :return: list Cleaned array of point cloud data without outliers. :rtype: list :raises RuntimeError: If there's an error during the pipeline execution. :raises ValueError: If no data is returned after outlier removal.
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