Handlers Module¶
create_geotiff(layer, output_file, crs, spatial_extent, nodata=-9999)
Creates a GeoTIFF file from the given data layer. Note, it performs a transpose on the layer.
:param layer: The data layer to be written into the GeoTIFF file. Assumes (X, Y) shape. :type layer: numpy.ndarray :param output_file: The path where the GeoTIFF file will be saved. :type output_file: str :param crs: The coordinate reference system for the GeoTIFF. :type crs: str :param spatial_extent: The spatial extent of the data, defined as (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max). :type spatial_extent: tuple :param nodata: The value to use for NoData areas in the GeoTIFF. Defaults to -9999. :type nodata: float or int, optional :return: None :raises rasterio.errors.RasterioError: If there is an error in creating the GeoTIFF. :raises ValueError: If the layer has invalid dimensions or the spatial extent is invalid.
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Retrieve the EPSG code from a raster file.
:param dtm_path: str The file path to the raster file. :return: str The EPSG code as a string. :raises FileNotFoundError: If the specified file does not exist.
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load_polygon_from_file(vector_file_path, index=0)
Load a polygon geometry and its CRS from a given vector file.
:param vector_file_path: str, Path to the vector file containing the polygon. :param index: int, optional, Index of the polygon to be loaded (default is 0). :return: tuple, containing the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the polygon and the coordinate reference system (CRS) as a string. :raises FileNotFoundError: If the vector file does not exist. :raises ValueError: If the file cannot be read or is not a valid vector file format.
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read_lidar(input_file, srs, bounds=None, thin_radius=None, hag=False, hag_dtm=False, dtm=None, crop_poly=False, poly=None)
Reads and processes a LiDAR point cloud file using PDAL based on specified options.
:param input_file: str, The path to the input LiDAR file. Supported formats are .las, .laz, .copc, and .copc.laz. :param srs: str, The Spatial Reference System (SRS) of the point cloud. :param bounds: Bounds within which to crop the data. Only in effect for ept format. Must be of the form: ([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax]) :param thin_radius: float, optional, The radius for thinning the point cloud. Must be a positive number. :param hag: bool, optional, If True, calculate Height Above Ground (HAG) using Delaunay triangulation. :param hag_dtm: bool, optional, If True, calculate Height Above Ground (HAG) using a DTM file. :param dtm: str, optional, The path to the DTM file used when hag_dtm is True. Must be a .tif file. :param crop_poly: bool, optional, If True, crop the point cloud using the polygon defined in the poly file. :param poly: str, optional, The path to the polygon file used for cropping OR the WKT of the Polygon geometry.
:return: numpy.ndarray, The processed point cloud data or None if no data is retrieved.
:raises FileNotFoundError: If the input file, polygon file, or DTM file does not exist. :raises ValueError: If the input file extension is unsupported, thinning radius is non-positive, or both 'hag' and 'hag_dtm' are True simultaneously, or the DTM file path is not provided when 'hag_dtm' is True.
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Converts a list of CRS representations to their corresponding EPSG codes.
:param crs_list: List of CRS definitions to be simplified. :type crs_list: list :return: List of EPSG codes corresponding to the input CRS definitions. :rtype: list :raises CRSError: If any of the CRS definitions cannot be converted to an EPSG code.
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Validate that all CRS representations in the list are identical.
:param crs_list: List of coordinate reference systems to validate. :type crs_list: list :return: True if all CRSs match. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: If the CRSs do not match.
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validate_extensions(las_file_path, dtm_file_path)
Validates the extensions of the provided file paths to check if they match the required .las/.laz for point cloud files and .tif for DTM files.
:param las_file_path: The file path of the point cloud file. Supported extensions are .las and .laz. :type las_file_path: str :param dtm_file_path: The file path of the DTM (Digital Terrain Model) file. Supported extension is .tif. :type dtm_file_path: str :raises ValueError: If the point cloud file does not have a .las or .laz extension. :raises ValueError: If the DTM file does not have a .tif extension.
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write_las(arrays, output_file, srs=None, compress=True)
Writes point cloud data to a LAS or LAZ file.
:param arrays: The point cloud data arrays. :param output_file: The path of the output file. :param srs: Optional; Spatial Reference System to reproject the data. :param compress: Optional; Boolean flag to compress the output. Defaults to True. :raises ValueError: If 'compress' is True and output file extension is not .laz. :raises ValueError: If 'compress' is False and output file extension is not .las.
:return: None
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