Visualize Module¶
plot_2d(points, x_dim='X', y_dim='Z', color_map='viridis', alpha=1.0, point_size=1, fig_size=None)
Plots a 2D scatter plot from a set of points with customizable dimensions, colors, and sizes.
:param points: A DataFrame containing point data with dimensions and 'HeightAboveGround'. :type points: pandas.DataFrame :param x_dim: The dimension for the X-axis ('X', 'Y', 'Z', or 'HeightAboveGround'). :type x_dim: str :param y_dim: The dimension for the Y-axis ('X', 'Y', 'Z', or 'HeightAboveGround'). :type y_dim: str :param color_map: The colormap used to color the points according to 'HeightAboveGround'. :type color_map: str :param alpha: The transparency level of the points. :type alpha: float :param point_size: The size of each point in the scatter plot. :type point_size: float :param fig_size: The size of the figure as a tuple (width, height). If None, it is computed based on the aspect ratio. :type fig_size: tuple or None :return: None :rtype: None :raises ValueError: If the provided dimensions are not valid.
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plot_metric(title, metric, extent, metric_name=None, cmap='viridis', fig_size=None)
Plots a given metric using the provided data and configuration.
:param title: string The name of the metric to be plotted :param metric: ndarray 2D array representing the metric's values. :param extent: list List of four elements [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] defining the extent of the plot. :param metric_name: string, optional Label to be used for the colorbar. If None, the title is used as the metric name. This is useful for specifying units or a more detailed description of the metric. :param cmap: str, optional Colormap to be used for the plot. Default is 'viridis'. :param fig_size: tuple, optional Tuple specifying the size of the figure (width, height). Default is calculated based on the extent. :return: None :rtype: None
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plot_pad(pad, slice_index, axis='x', cmap='viridis', hag_values=None, horizontal_values=None)
Plots a 2D slice of Plant Area Density (PAD) data with dZ HAG on the Y-axis.
:param pad: numpy.ndarray The 3D Plant Area Density data with shape (X, Y, HAG). :param slice_index: int The index of the slice to be plotted along the specified axis. :param axis: str, optional The axis along which to slice the data. Default is 'x'. Choose from 'x', 'y'. :param cmap: str, optional The colormap to be used for plotting. Default is 'viridis'. :param hag_values: numpy.ndarray, optional Array of HAG (Height Above Ground) values corresponding to the third dimension. If None, will use indices. :param horizontal_values: numpy.ndarray, optional Array of horizontal (X or Y) values corresponding to the first or second dimension. If None, will use indices. :raises ValueError: If an invalid axis is provided or slice_index is out of bounds. :return: None :rtype: None
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